Developing Strengths-Based Project Teams
Connie Plowman is a Gallup-certified strengths coach in the higher education community and a certified project management professional (PMP®-Retired). She puts her talents and strengths to use every day in her leadership roles—as a corporate executive, educator, volunteer, mentor, and project advocate. She is a project management instructor and guest speaker, helping to develop the skills of emerging project managers and business leaders. As a participant on diverse global project teams, Connie knows what strengths-based project managers and project teams look like – for successful project completion. Contact Connie via her LinkedIn page at
Martha Buelt, MA, is a Gallup-certified strengths coach for individuals, managers, and teams. Martha facilitates strengths-based talent development team processes, which equip teams to appreciate and leverage their collective strengths toward their team and organizational goals. She also presents and facilitates strengths education sessions and seminars for college campuses, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Martha is passionate about equipping organizational leaders and managers to create and sustain a strengths-based organizational culture. Contact Martha via her website.
The Authors’ Strengths-Based Partnership Story
Strengths-based project teams integrate their knowledge, skills, and practice of strengths development with project management tools and techniques, equipping the project team to apply and maximize their collective strengths to successfully complete their project on time, within budget, and according to the project objectives and specifications.
Putting together a high-performing, strengths-based project team, such as ours, can be easily done! Here is our story…
Connie lives in Oregon and Martha lives in Minnesota. We came together through a mutual connection to write this book — each utilizing and maximizing our unique talents, specific strengths, and areas of expertise.
Connie brought her expertise as a certified Project Management Professional through the Project Management Institute (PMI), and Martha brought her strengths expertise as a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.
In addition to integrating our areas of expertise, we also shared and applied our many collective talents and strengths we collaborated to successfully complete our book project. For example, we both have dominant Achiever® talents, which drive us to get things done. Connie used her dominant Focus® and Maximizer® talents and strengths to help us complete our project on time and remain within the book’s objectives. Martha used her dominant Connectedness® and Learner® talents and strengths toward integrating strengths best practices into our book.
And so this book came to life.
CliftonStrengths® and CliftonStrengths® Themes are registered marks of Gallup, Inc.